frequently asked questions

have a question?
Are you on social media?
Absolutely! You can find my on social media here:
You can also connect with me by joining my Facebook Rebel Readers Group.
Do you have a recommended reading order?
You can find the recommended reading order for my books here.
Where can I find your books?
You can find my books on eBook exclusively on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited, however I do have my paperbacks available on Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, and Walmart.
If you don't see what you're looking for, be sure to ask a sales associate and they can help you with purchasing them online.
Are all of your books on audio?
I'm working to expand my books into audio. You can find the current list of available audiobooks on my website here.
PS - Audible has a trial for 30 days! (After 30 days, it’s $14.95/month if you don’t cancel.)
You get a free credit where you can try one of my audiobooks for FREE in the first 30 days. If you like listening to them, you can keep your subscription. If you change your mind, you can cancel.
Do you sell signed paperbacks?
Yes! You can order signed copies through my online bookstore.
Shipping can be costly if you live outside of the United States though, so I would encourage you to consider ordering on Amazon and you can order book plates on my website instead. This comes with swag as well.
Do you have a mailing address?
Yes, I do! You can reach me at:
Author Brooke O'Brien
c/O Tattered Ink Publishing
PO Box 180
Fairfax, IA 52228
How can I find out about events/appearances?
You can find out about all upcoming signings and appearances on my website under the Events tab.
What is your most popular book?
I'm best known for writing sports and rock star romances. My two most popular series are Braysen U and the A Rebels Havoc series.
Do you have any free books?
Not at this time. You can sign up for my newsletter. As a thank you, you'll receive a free book for joining. All of my books are available on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.
If you're not familiar with the Kindle Unlimited program with Amazon, it's like a Netflix for books. You pay a monthly fee and read as many books as you'd like available through their catalog, although you can only have twenty books at once.
You can try Kindle Unlimited for FREE for a limited time here.
Can I sign up for your promotion team or ARC team?
Absolutely! You're welcome to join my Rebel Hype Team, where you can stay updated on upcoming release events, sales, and other announcements. You can opt into receiving updates on specific events that interest you.
Please keep in mind, this does not guarantee you'll receive an ARC. It's solely for notifying you of when the opportunity to sign up is available and reduces the amount of forms you'll fill out.
Openings to join my ARC team are limited. I'll be sure to share on social media, in the Hype Team communication, and my newsletter when it's open.
Are you accepting inquiries for subsidiary rights?
Brooke is represented by Two Daisy Media. For all subsidiary rights, please contact Savannah Greenwell at
What type of stories do you write?
I write new adult romance with a variety of tropes and sub-genres. I'm best known for writing sports and rock star romances. I enjoy writing college age love stories with forbidden tropes and lots of heat and banter.
Click these links for the books by trope and the recommended reading order.
How long have you been writing?
I published my first book, Where I Found You, in May 2017.
How many books do you have published?
As of June 2024, I have written and published nineteen books.
Do you have any bonus content?
Yes. I love writing bonus content - specifically bonus epilogues and sometimes for various holidays. You can find all of them on my Bonus Scenes page.
Will you ever write more A Rebels Havoc books? What about Abel's story?
I have no plans to return to the A Rebels Havoc series, although I will likely visit them from time to time with bonus content.
As for Abel, I have considered writing his story. The ideas were brewing when I was writing Madden, however, he hasn't been talking to me as of late. I've been loving writing in the Braysen U and Rixton U world, so that's where I'm focusing for the time being. Maybe down the road though.
Why is Sacrifice unpublished and no longer available in the Salvation Society world?
Simply put, Sacrifice was never a story that's sold well for me. I made the decision to revise it and add it as the fifth book in the A Heart's Compass world with the hopes readers would find it after finding it was about Corbin, Callum and Ellie's son in Where I Found You and Now That I Found You.
Will you ever expand the A Heart's Compass series? Will Kinsley and Wes ever get a story?
At this time, I do not plan to return to the A Heart's Compass series. One of the hard parts about writing is making difficult business decisions. Sadly, this series books hasn't sold very well for me. I've made the decision to leave the series where it stands and focus on other projects.
I'm not saying never. I just don't have any plans at this time.
How do you come up with your story ideas?
Oh boy. That's a loaded question. Sometimes it's from a song or even a lyric, other times it's a random thought when watching TV or listening to people in life. My mind is always going a hundred miles per hour, so any time I stumble on something that I think would make an interesting storyline I'll email it to myself and add it to a running word doc of ideas.
What made you decide to write your first book?
I've always been into writing growing up. I started out writing poetry and I was a voracious reader. As I got older, I started reading romance. It started with paranormal romance and then I ventured into contemporary romance. I was devouring anything and everything I could get my hands on.
It was on my bucket list to write a book, and one day I just went for it.
Did you always want to be an author?
Not always. It wasn't until I started reading romance after my youngest son was born that I started thinking about it. Although it wasn't until six years later before I decided to stop dreaming and do it!
Are any of your stories based on real events?
Some of them are, yes.
What is your advice to anyone who wants to write a book?
Do it. Sit down and write the book.
No excuses.
Take it from me though... it's a lot easier to write the book when you think about how you'll market it first. Study what other books are popular, figure out what tropes you're writing in, and read other books in the same genre. There are several groups on Facebook that are great for networking and learning from others, Alessandra Torre's Inkers and 20Booksto50K being my top recommendations.